Saturday, February 5, 2011

Learning to Listen

I am in constant search for new ideas for my listening center. I get bored with the same directions every week "Draw you favorite part and write a sentence about it" I know my kiddos get bored with it too. I think I have definetely let this center slide and it's time to beef it up. On my hunt for some fantastic new forms to get my students interested and engaged I came across a wonderful website by Michelle Oakes. Click here for some great listening center forms.

I am brand new to this blog world. I don't know how to upload forms, pictures, not a thing. And what are my limitations too? Help, anybody?


  1. Hey there! Found your blog through the First Grade Parade Link Party and thought I'd try to help answer some of your google doc/how to upload things question. What would you like to know?

  2. I played around with some files and I think I figured out how to make a PDF and upload it to google doc. Thank you so much for offering to help. I love your blog design by the way :)

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