Monday, April 11, 2011

What do ya think?

I spent all last night & today playing around and this is what I came up with.

How did I do?
Hopefully good, otherwise I'll have to explain more computer time to the hubby (and we all know that's difficult when it's 80 degrees outside & spring break)

After spring break, I am starting a new behavior plan in my classroom. I plan on using my own rendition of what Jennifer over at Rowdy in First uses with her class. It's a color card system. Before I was using something called Behavior Snapshots and it worked great-for the 1st half of the year. Then my little firsties started to care less about losing part of their free time. When I started having kiddos go home on red more times than green, I knew it was time for a change.

Instead of having my firsties take the color card home each night (think lots of paper) I'm going to laminate about 15 of each color to use throughout the day.

I made these OOPS Cards that they will have to fill out at the end of the day and take home to get signed by their parents.


  1. Love this! I am going to wait out this year and save this for next!!! Thanks for sharing!


  2. I just printed it and will use it! what does your WOW card look like? thanks for the idea!

  3. You're welcome Katie!

    Janine-I will email the WOW card to you tomorrow...still perfecting it :)

  4. I love your blog layout! very pretty! I am not a blog designer, but I can make you a blog button if you would like :) I'm a new follower!


  5. ok, I just saw that you have a button!!! good job!

  6. OOO I still might take you up on that offer! I'm not exactly sure what I would want it to look like though!

    Thanks for following :)

    p.s. you're doing an awesome job over at TBA!!

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thanks for the love