Sunday, June 19, 2011

Birthday Wrap Up

Here are some final thoughts on birthdays!

Last-Minute Lifesaver: 15+ Free Father’s Day Printables

Go to this site if you are like me and love making things on a dime (or dollar) instead of a twenty. This lady is a woman after my own heart. She tells you how to throw a pretty a-mazing party shopping only at the Dollar Store. No I'm not making this up!


Doesn't that just look so delicious?? I know we all have healthy eating plans at our school and this candy skewer desert would never be allowed, but come on---is it not the best thing you have every seen? Stick your favorite candy on a stick and call it good! I call that simple and yummy!

Ice Cream Sundae themed party! Need I say more?
(I should add that I am completely bias when it comes to anything "ice cream!" My hubby's family is a pretty ice cream crazy bunch.
Birthdays=ice cream sundays!
Mother's Day=ice cream sundays!
Father's Day=ice cream sundays!
All summer long, on random days=ice cream sundays!

This year for our classroom funds, we were told that we needed to cut back on things that were not necessities to teaching. Specifically birthday crowns! Bummer right? (Although maybe my next school will be less crazy than this one and I won't have this birthday crown dilemna!!)
So instead of having nothing, why not make these adorable party hats? Go check this blog out-hours & hours of inspiration!

Thanks so much for celebrating my birthday with me! It's been a super fun week and I only have 3 1/2 days left at crazytown! Although that means I only have literally a blink of my eye left with my first grade babies! Ahhhh I can feel the tears coming already!


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