Wednesday, June 22, 2011

End of the Year Gifts

Well tomorrow's the last day! I can't believe that I have taught, my own class, for 180 days!

Definitely a bittersweet time since I won't get to visit with all of my kiddies in September like I should be!

To send them off on their summer vacation, I gave them a little treat.

I wanted to find beach pails, but those babies are expensive! So I went with a 4-pack of cups for $1 at good old Wally-World! Then I took my trusty Sharpie and wrote my almost second graders (tear) names!

What child doesn't love freezie pops? I took 3 freezie pops, tied my special note on with some hemp, stuffed some tissue paper at the bottom, and voila-a fun, useful end of the year surprise!

This is the printable from the fabulous ladies over at eighteen25. I put a cute little poem that I found on the other side of this and that's what I tied around the freezie pops!

I'm almost positive they will love them!

I also made awards for each of my kiddos. I based them around candy bars.
I would upload them but since we got our new computer we haven't been able to afford to buy the entire Microsoft Office set. (Who knew how expensive that is??) (Big bummer-which means I don't have powerpoint on my home computer-which means I can't share the awards with you)
I promise they're good!

If you are still in school, I hope you enjoy your last few days.


  1. Adorable. I've been thinking about you and what you decided...

    Lessons Learned

  2. I'm new to reading all your posts, so I'm not too sure about your job, your future job, etc....but I wanted to let you know when you are settled in a district, Microsoft offers deals for teachers for the Office Software. They also offer an amazing deal for teachers whose district has purchased an entire site license. I’ve had it for so long on every computer we get due to getting a military discount that I completely ignore our district emails about buying Office each August. But when you get a job and get started, email or call your IT department to find out about Office. If they act clueless, put my email to one side and contact me in the fall. FernleySmith {@} and I will be happy to help. Microsoft makes enough money from the government their policy is that teachers can have it dirt cheap so that you can work at both home and school on school work! We don’t have too many perks, but this is one great one!
    Good luck,

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thanks for the love