Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Today is my 2 year wedding anniversary with the mister!

We are sticking to our budget and staying in for some steaks and roasted potatoes, with crescent wrapped asparagus! YUM!

Thank you for all of the new blog name ideas! Keep them coming & I'll keep sending the math mania freebie!

Not much to write today...we lost power for a bit thanks to a long overdue thunderstorm! (Side note-it downpoured during my outdoor wedding! My dad was soaking wet! Now I can look back and smile, but then not so much!)

I'll leave you with some pictures...and by some I mean grab a cold beverage, you're gonna be here awhile!

My dad started me off & my step-dad met half way and they both walked me the rest of the isle.

Our mama's wore the same dress in different colors. OOPS!

*Note--this is my dad, soaking wet.

rain? rain? & a whole lot more rain?

Cleared up as soon as we kissed!

My grandparents that raised me!

My family

M's family

Loved our cake!

Yea, I went for it!

My family-Dad side

It's a running joke that my sis & I have a dance face. It's clear that the hubby will fit in just fine since he rocks the dance face too!

My grammy & best cousin. Seriously I think we provided a lot of the gray hair on my grammy's head!

My little sister who refused to take a happy pictures all day. Finally she gave in.

Of course we did the train!

Little Miss G wanted M to dance with only her. They are seriously best buddies.


  1. Happy Anniversary!! My 1 year was yesterday. Love your pics, I posted some of mine too...

  2. Happy Anniversary! I enjoyed looking at your pictures!
    Robin (Bigbird)

  3. Beautiful pictures! Happy Anniversary!!

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thanks for the love