Friday, August 5, 2011

Busy Day

Ok fellow bloggy friends. I know I am really making you wait for that chevron tutorial.

I promise it will be up by the end of this weekend.

But today is this little pretties 11th birthday..

So I've been hangin with her.
We went to support the hubby in his golf tourny where we literally lost 10 pounds in sweat.
We made cute little cards to give to her friends at her party tonight.
(kind of like these from the fabulous eighteen25 gals)
We got everything ready for the intense Minute To Win It challenge that they are doing.
(I'm kind of hoping that if M wins today & is in a good mood, he will want to partake in the cookie on the forhead to the mouth competition!!! Just so I can giggle)
I attempted to finish her birthday present while she was watching a gazillion Say Yes to the Dress shows on TLC. We love that channel!
And now I have to speed her over to my mama's work so she can go home and set up while I go back and cheer on the Mr.

Then it's time to party!!!

So see ya tomorrow (or Sunday) with that long awaited post! Promise it's worth the wait!

Hope you are staying cool on this hot, hot summer day!


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thanks for the love