Sunday, August 14, 2011


Ok let me just start by saying how delicious are peaches? So incredibly a-mazing! I had 3 peaches hanging out in my fridge, that gasp...I forgot about!

And since last night my in-laws came over for some ice cream sundaes...which means I have leftover plain vanilla ice cream. (This is a rarity because the hubs only buys the yummy flavored kinds)

So I thought I would take what I had on hand and make some....

Sugar Fried Peaches

Whatch ya'll need to be on your way to melty goodness...

1 tbs butter
3 peaches (or more depending on how much ya wanna make)
2 tbs sugar (or more depending on how much ya wanna add to your waist)
2tbs brown sugar (or more depending on how much ya wanna add to your thighs)

First you want to peel a little bit of the skin off. Don't worry about getting all of it since the skin is a pretty yummy part. Cut the peaches up. Small or big-whateva's ya pleasure!

Then toss it in the frying pan, with the melted butter.

This is what it should look like after a minute or two of stirring over medium heat. You can leave them on as long as you want...just remember the longer they are cookin, the more the sugars will carmalize. Which I promise isn't so bad drizzled all up on that vanilla ice cream.

Of course the most important step! Taste test the *crap* out of the peaches. And if you are like me...learn to walk away for a minute so that you don't end up eating all of the peaches before they make it to the ice cream.

When you have had enough temptation, remove from heat. Scoop some ice cream & scoop some peach pieces on top. Then drizzle some of the sauce on that and dive right in! It was very difficult for me to snap a picture before I did the said "diving-in". You all owe me for having the will power to snap away instead of inhaling every last drop (by which I mean licking the bowl) Don't tell anyone, k? Specially the hubs. Don't need him knowing what a piggy I am when he isn't around or that I have now eatin all of the peaches and he won't even know I cooked 'em because he isn't home..oh man, I need an intervention.

So there ya have it. A 10 minutes cook job that will getcha ooey-goooey delicious sugar covered peaches that go great with ice cream. Or just straight out of the frying pan BOWL! I said bowl!


  1. You always have the best and easiest recipes. I love coming to your blog!! My grandma has a ton of peaches so I will have to try this out!!

  2. OMG...that looks so yummy!!! We have a PEACH FESTIVAL near where I live at the end of the month...I am SO making this!!!!

  3. Glad you ladies like this one! It is so delish..I think I need to go buy some more peaches tomorrow or Tracy you can send me some from your festival!! :)

  4. I love sugary, fruity desserts. This looks delish!! :)

  5. Love this recipe! Peaches are my favorite...I can't wait to make it :)


thanks for the love