Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day & a New Challenge

How are you spending your Labor Day?

For some of you it's probably a nice little break in your already started school year. 
Or for others it is soaking up the time with your families & friends before your school year starts.

For me it is about looking back over a busy & exciting summer and admiring God's hand through everything we did. 

As summer is quickly fading, I have been challenged to start something new. 
My life is in a state of crazy right now & the only way I know how to get through is by seeking Him.
In an attempt to do just that every day & be accountable to others for doing that, I have joined a challenge.
You can go here to learn more about what that is.
I encourage you to join.
 It has been such an encouragement through a tough time.
I know I'm not alone in the world of education when it comes to job cuts.
This is just the way I am searching for my next step. 

Enjoy your Labor Day sweet friends. 
Thank you for being part of my life in a positive way.


  1. I'm encouraged by your faith and boldness in faith. I don't know what challenges you're facing, but something I shared with some other teaching friends going through tough stuff was something I heard Joyce Meyer say: When you're persecuted you grow. But that doesn't mean you won't feel the pain of what you're going through. " Whatever trials you are going through, you are never alone . . . and when you come out on the other side how much stronger you'll be!

    I spent this Labor Day being productive and getting inspired.

    Oh . . . and I've chosen you as one of my Top 10! Go to my post to see and claim your award!

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thanks for the love