Imagine my surprise when I got a super sweet email from Melissa over at
Plug-n-Plan telling me, yes ME, that she was giving me the Top Ten Blog Award (from TBA)!!!
She also provided some encouraging words that touched my heart!
Thanks Melissa, you're too kind :)
And now I get to pick my top ten blogs.
Some are new gals I have found recently & others are ones I've been reading for awhile.
But all are A-MAZING and inspiring!
Here are my favorites:
This gal has created a homeschool program for her super cute kiddos called
Raising Rock Stars! Although it is primarily for homeschooling, a lot of the activities can be done in the classroom! If you are a Christian parent or teacher, you should head there pronto and check her out!
Such a sweet blog. Especially since she throws in some baking recipes! She just posted pics of her to-die for classroom, so if you are still looking for some classroom inspiration for your room go there now!

Are you looking for a ton of bright colored decorating ideas? This is your chicky! She also just posted about her new behavior plan for this year & I'm excited to see how it works!

Talk about a perfect name! This lady shares lessons & ideas like it is a factory! I'm not complaining though, I've gotten a TON of from this friend.
Sydney has to be the sweetest gal around. She has been so open about her struggle with landing a teaching job. Obviously I can relate. I'm not sure why she isn't running a school by now with all of her fabulous ideas!
Oh. My. Goodness. This gal will have you laughing while your learning. Such a great resource for upper grades!
Are you ready to get lost in reading? If so, this is the place you will. Hours & hours of ideas to "borrow" from Miss Gladys.
One of the first friends I made in blog land because she hosted an Accessory Swap & she was my awesome partner. Of course she showered me with goods, on top of sharing loads of fun on her blog!


Brooke is awesome. She just moved to 3rd grade & thus has 2 blogs. I'm counting her as one! She wrote about these things called "Brain Feelers" that I'm dying to try out in my future classroom!
This blog friend has been a bit MIA lately, but I'm blaming that on the fact that she was getting married in July! She did this post on fractions that seriously had me wishing I could hire her to come teach fractions to my firsties. Go give her some blog love & hopefully she will come back soon.
There ya have it friends!
I tried to seek blogs that had not been awarded yet!
Of course there are hundreds of teaching blogs that I attempt to read daily!
Now it's your turn bloggy friends.
Click above & go claim your award!
You all deserve it.
You will have to read the directions and pass the award on to your top 10!
Thanks for being so inspiring and creative and encouraging and kind and awesome and motivating.
Should I continue? :)