Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lucky the Leprechaun

How great is today? I love a day that's all about my heritage! I rocked my green cardi & green skirt. Put a sticker on my cheek and had a ton o' fun at school.

Our friend Lucky the Leprechaun (aka me) came to visit today. It started on Tuesday when we wrote a friendly letter to Lucky asking if he would bring us gold and to please leave our room neat and clean. All week the kiddos have been so excited to see if Lucky would actually come. So of course he had to make a stop. I printed up these letters and left them on each desk this morning.
Of course I didn't actually put gold in their desks...yet. I knew it would be a huge distraction all day. I also started a letter on the board but made it look like Lucky had to stop writing abruptly. The morning work was to write in their journals why they thought the letter wasn't finished.

We went about our business as usual. Today was also our book buddy day where we meet up with the 5th grade class and read to each other. But instead of reading they made a cute hat craft (which I just realized I didn't take a picture of). We also chowed down on some green cupcakes, that were delicious!

I planned on having Lucky visit during lunch, however my principal was supposed to be coming in right after lunch to observe my math centers and that just would have been a huge disaster. My kiddos would have been off the wall. (side note: said principal did not come and asked to push the visit until next week)

Lucky finally made his appearance while the firsties were at gym watching the Irish Dancers that came and did an amazing job. I made sure my students saw me sitting there for awhile before I ducked out to go play Lucky. Although, that didn't stop them from badgering me about what I was doing while Lucky was ruining the class....and of course the few who just knew it had to have been me, they even went so far as to ask 2 other teachers if I was really sitting w/ them watching the dancers. Apparently I am teaching a classful of detectives:)

Needless to say, Lucky was a success.

This is looking in from the door. We had chairs tipped over, papers spilled, backpacks thrown around! (*the blue chair in the left corner is propped up on the easel where the Leprechaun had started writing his note in the morning and then finished it later...complete with green footprints on the chair)

That silly leprechaun even knocked all of the behavior cards over so Mrs. Edwards couldn't tell who had flipped their card today!

He walked on desks, tables, & the sink (yes I'm aware it looks like animal didn't matter. The firsties just thought maybe Lucky has a dog)

It was a ton o' fun. And now I'm exhausted from all the hoop-la. The hubby took me out for some dinner and now I'm busy using my fantastic dollar day deals from Lettering Delights to whip up some fun centers! Seriously you must head over there and purchase...they are a-mazing.

Happy St. Patty's Day blog friends


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