Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My "Nest" & Jam-Packed Classroom

I figured I'd jump on the bandwagon and post pictures of my classroom. I'm linking up with Oh' Boy 3rd Grade and her Show Me Your Nest Linky Party to share my "nest" aka my desk area. (She is having a fabulous giveaway ... it's my favorite ... take a guess ... VERA BRADLEY!!!
 A-mazing :)
There she be. In all her sometimes organized glory. We just recently got laptops so I will admit to being happy about all the extra desktop space :)

This is pretty much command central. My colored bins were a fabulous purchase & always most of the time keep me organized.

I wish there was a way to make these 2 shelving units fit nicer in the corner behind my desk but they provide what I need so they'll have to do-akward and all.

That cute red and blue thing in front of my laptop is a fabulous rice pad that an adorable firsty made for me at Christmas. It is made out of Buffalo Bills pattern----> the best!

There's my "Nest". Did you hear me when I said I LOVE Vera Bradley?
Notice the bag, purse, & lunch pal resting nicely behind my nest :)

 Plus I'm linking up w/ Always First Grade to show off my classroom digs. I didn't get a chance to take any great pictures and now that I'm posting them I'm thinking of all the things I could have taken a picture of to share, but oh well. Such is the life of a teacher...never time for much.

This is a view from my door.

This a looking straight in from the door.

This is the computer station. I used to have 3 big honkin computers on a huge table that stuck out and always got in the way. When I got my laptop I had them put my old computer on a smaller table and voila I have a much more managable computer station.

OOOO Look what I got on Monday? Any guesses?? A rice table-rubbermaid tote thing. Now what am I to do with this? I don't have table space for it so it's currently living on the floor in front of my desk.

Our word wall. I admit it's looking pretty weak-we have been so busy I haven't had a chance to update it. I put magnet on the back of the words so the kiddos are able to take the word to their seat if they need to.

My guided reading table. You can't see it (& I forgot to snap a photo) but my chair was a $10 steal from's got a cute flower pattern and it's definitely an upgrade from the hard chair I used to have.

The library. It took me forever to find a comfortable spot for my library. I honestly think it's been in about 5 different places this year. I really like where it's at now. I use a colored book mark system for my students to get a book. They take a matching bookmark to the color box or shelf they get a book from. That way they know where to return it to.

Hop into a Hoppy Morning area. Down the wall (hard to see in this photo) are the steps they have to do in the morning.

Our sink area. My leveled readers are also back here so that I can wheel my pink flower chair over to them when I'm doing my guided reading.

The writing center

The remains of my huge calendar wall. I started out with a giant calendar wall full of math fun and word fun.I quickly discovered that I never used it. Why? Because I have the fantastic item shown in the next picture. I finally decided to take most of it down and use the wall space for other things.

The carpet area. This is where I do whole group reading. It also is the listening center (bottom left corner) Notice how stacked full my easel is. I usually just write on a blank page in a SMARTboard file so my easel has become a catch-all. (I'll be upgrading that chair the next time Staples has a $10 sale!)
And finally.. this is the table I use for writing conferences & a whole bunch of other things.
My push in reading teacher runs her center here as well.
And there you have it. Don't forget to link up with Always First Grade & Oh' Boy 3rd Grade and show of your classroom.


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thanks for the love