Friday, July 8, 2011

Hey friends...

Summer seems to be a very difficult blogging time for me!

You'd think I would have all the time in the world to blog, but lo and behold..I don't!

After spending hours just reading everyone else's posts, I simply don't have the time to write up a nice long post for myself. Clearly I need to re-arrange how I'm doing things!

Between driving Lexi-lou to soccer camp, laundry (which I let build up so bad that it takes a whole day to catch up), summer cleaning, organizing and cleaning out the office(which is so overtaken by basically my entire classroom), trying to set up parties for my new Thirty-One business (if you are so inclined to get a new bag for school or some organizing gizmos-feel free to venture over and check it out) ((or if you live within 2 hours of Olean, NY & want to host a party..I won't turn you away)), watching my husband spend hours playing Super Mario Bros. (ok maybe that's not an all), reading some really great books, hunting for a new job, & just spending time with my friends & family.....I just don't seem to have time.

Whewwww what a lonnnng sentences that was!

So instead of posting my original ideas, I thought I would share some great new things I have found since I became addicted to pinterest. (Forgot to mention that in the above lonnnng sentence!)


So be sure to click on over to my little pinterest board and check out everything else. (by which I mean, not much since I have only been a member for a hot 2 days)

Hope you are enjoying your summer as much as I am!

P.S. If anyone can access for me and send me their "given enough coffee" printable I would forever love you! I have my future sister-in-laws bridal shower Sunday and want to put together a coffee basket, but for some odd reason I can't access their website to print it out!!! Thank you, thank you!


thanks for the love