Saturday, July 9, 2011

Prayer Needed!

A beautiful blogger over at Look, Linger, Love shared this precious story about her best friend from childhood. Her friend recently found out that she has a very rare form of cancer and it is spreading quickly. This news also came immedietly following the birth of her third child. I'm sharing this story because I know how strong prayer is. I have met some wonderful women through this blog and I am confident that the Lord answers prayers in multitudes and I want to lift this sweet family up.


I'm reminded of the song "Stronger" by one of my favorite artists Mandisa...

When the waves are taking you under
Hold on just a little bit longer
He knows that this is gonna make you stronger, stronger
The pain ain't gonna last forever
And things can only get better
Believe me
This is gonna make you stronger
Gonna make you stronger, stronger, stronger
Believe me, this is gonna make you Stronger


I believe in miracles and I believe that God can and will change lives. Please pray for this family with me. For more details please visit Chassity over at Look, Linger, Love.


  1. I will definitely pray for this family and keep them lifted in prayer

  2. I will join you in prayer for that family. God does change lives and I know He will work in a mighty way for this family:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  3. I'm praying and will continue to pray for her and her family too!
    Thanks, Nancy

    The Apple Basket Teacher

  4. Wishing strength and faith for this beautiful family.


  5. I will keep this family in my thoughts and prayers. God certainly can perform miracles.


thanks for the love