Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Perhaps I should title this week card week?

I'm back again today with some more cards! Yea, I know, I'm totally "carding-out" aka-wiggin out on the card talk. But I'm ok with that.

Today I want to share about my little's birthday & the invites she made. I'm totally rubbing my craftiness off on her. (She told me that I have set a standard for when she comes over to my house-some type of crafting has to be done or else she will report to the mama that she is bored at my home. Oh no, can never have that word uttered in a sentence with the cool big sista's house!!!) Thus the invitation crafting began....

For her *gasp* 11th birthday, she planned on having 5 girls stay over, sleep in the tent, & play some Minute to Win it challenges. So for her invitations, she wanted to play up the challenge part.

For the cover, we picked a font & typed it up. Then cut it out & glued it onto some scraps I had, which just so happen to be the perfect size for invitations.

For the inside we typed up what we wanted it to say, printed & cut it out then just glued it down. She had so much fun creating it. I had little envelopes that we stuffed it into & sent them on their way.

And in an attempt to keep you all reading this bloggy here, I decided I wouldn't drag the card thing out with another day of posting. SO here is the card that I made for the little's birthday.

I used a sheet of that shimmery card-stock that I scarfed from Joann's for $.50! Played around in Microsoft Word and came up with this. I'm pretty proud of it, if I do say so myself.

Here is the inside. It was a hit at the party & Lexi really liked it, so that's all that matters.

For the envelope, I used my Cricut to cut out some letters & a flower. I used poster board since the scrapbook paper I have seems to be way to thing. (it is impossible to get it off the cutting mat & rips into a million pieces when I try) The poster board seemed to work perfect, although I'm sure it will weaken my cutting needle.
And just because it's my blog & I is a picture from this past winter (before the sis &I chopped off our hair for Locks of Love)

I love her. I can't believe she is 11 and going into 6th grade. Not possible. I seriously can't wrap my head around it. She is becoming such an amazing young lady whose heart is currently set on following Jesus & I couldn't be more proud. My only wish for her is that she will continue to cling to His word through all the turmoil of middle school, jr. & sr high, & college. I'm hoping she has learned from my mistakes and will remember her true reward is in Heaven, after she has lived a life full of Jesus lovin & sharin :)

Love you Lexi-Lou.

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